
Author: Stephen Banks

Do you need to brush your teeth with toothpaste?

do you need to brush your teeth with toothpaste

Most toothpastes contain fluoride as an active component that helps make your enamel more stable and therefore helps you retain amazing teeth for a longer time. However, do you need to brush your teeth with toothpaste? As in, do you need to always use toothpaste when brushing your teeth? How Read more…

How to brush your teeth without a toothbrush?

how to brush your teeth without a toothbrush

Once you’ve packed away the Oral-B Genius 8000 electric toothbrush for travel (click here to check out my review of the Genius 8000), you don’t have anything to brush your teeth with without having to unpack it all over. So, what do to in a scenario like this? Can you Read more…

Oral-B Pro 3000 vs Pro 5000: My Comparison

Oral-B Pro 3000 VS Pro 5000

If you want to compare two mid-range models from the Oral-B line of products, there is no better comparison than the one between the Oral-B Pro 3000 and the Pro 5000. [So, if that’s what you’re looking for, make sure that you keep reading!] The Oral-B Pro 3000 (click here Read more…

My Comparison of the Oral-B Pro 1000 vs Genius 8000.

Oral-B Pro 1000 VS Genius 8000

If you’re looking for a comparison between a premium model and a model that’s just slightly above the most basic choices, then this is the right comparison for you! In today’s article, we are going to compare the Oral-B Pro 1000 (Click here to read my full review of it) Read more…

Can baking soda whiten teeth?

can baking soda whiten teeth

Quite a while back, we recommended Baking Soda as a great choice if you wanted to clean your toothbrush along with it. (click here to check out our full article regarding this) However, what do you think? Could Baking soda actually be a good choice even if you wanted to Read more…

Can you use an Electric Toothbrush on your tongue?

can you use an electric toothbrush on your tongue

Did you know that up 50-90% of the bad mouth odor can actually be traced back to food that is not stuck in or between your teeth but to your tongue? Well, as it so happens, the tongue is the part of our mouth that we use the most but Read more…

How to connect an Oral-B toothbrush to Bluetooth?

how to connect an oral b toothbrush to Bluetooth

The Oral-B Pro 3000 is the most affordable model that you can choose if Bluetooth connectivity is what you’re looking for in your Oral-B Electric Toothbrush. (Click here to read my review of the Oral-B Pro 3000) But once you do have your toothbrush, what next? How do you connect Read more…

Oral-B Pro 1000 vs Pro 7000: A Comparison

Oral-B Pro 1000 VS Pro 7000

In today’s article we are going to compare the Oral-B Pro 1000, which is slightly better than the base models from the Oral-B line of products and the Oral-B Pro 7000, which could be called the most affordable of the premium models from this line of products. [How do you Read more…

My comparison of the Oral-B Pro 1000 vs Pro 6000

Oral-B Pro 1000 VS Pro 6000

If you’re here to check out the differences between the Oral-B Pro 1000 and the Pro 6000, hold on tight. This article is going to be interesting because of the wide range of differences between these two models. While the Pro 6000 is a great model, it generally isn’t the Read more…

Oral-B Pro 1000 vs Pro 5000: My Comparison

Oral-B Pro 1000 VS Pro 5000

The Oral-B Pro 5000 is the perfectly mid-range model from the Oral-B line of products when it comes to Electric Toothbrushes. (Click here to read my full review of this model) So, if you’re wondering how the customer favorite Pro 1000 would match up to the perfectly mid-range Pro 5000, Read more…