Can You Clean a Toothbrush with Hydrogen Peroxide?
September 1, 2020

For a long time, the standard method of decontaminating your toothbrush has been the use of Hydrogen Peroxide.
However, you might still find yourself asking from time to time if it’s really doing the job perfectly. After all, can you really clean your toothbrush with hydrogen peroxide without having any side effects?
The short answer to that is Yes, you can clean your toothbrush with Hydrogen Peroxide.
Dental Researchers have found out that Hydrogen Peroxide is one of the only things that you can use to ensure 100% decontamination of your toothbrush. Quoting the conclusion of the journal,
The study concluded that 3.0% hydrogen peroxide is the most economical and effective disinfectant when compared with the other disinfectants.
However, it’s not just that. It’s important to understand the method as to how you might be able to clean your toothbrush properly with Hydrogen Peroxide.
[And we’re going to get to that, so continue reading if you want to find out the details!]
Does Hydrogen Peroxide Kill Bacteria on a Toothbrush?
One of the first questions that’s bound to arise in your mind is if Hydrogen Peroxide kills Bacteria.
It is a well-known fact that Bacteria are among the most common threats to our dental health, and getting rid of them is going to be a great step towards good dental hygiene.
These days there are modern solutions to keeping a toothbrush sanitized between uses. I for one use this UV sanitizer which also drys the brush off when I’m done with my morning routine but I would be wrong to say it’s any better than using hydrogen peroxide.
Hydrogen Peroxide has been proven to kill bacteria. It destroys their cell walls, ensuring that the bacteria won’t have any chances of survival, and ensuring the safety of your teeth. Quoting LiveScience,
Hydrogen peroxide has been used as an antiseptic since the 1920s because it kills bacteria cells by destroying their cell walls. This process is called oxidation because the compound’s oxygen atoms are incredibly reactive, and they attract, or steal, electrons.
Does Hydrogen Peroxide Kill Mold on a Toothbrush?
If not cleaned often, mold can easily make an appearance on the charging base of the electric toothbrushes.
So, it comes as no surprise that one of the questions that people ask me all the time is if Hydrogen Peroxide actually kills Mold.
Well, if you’re wondering about the same, I have some good news for you! Hydrogen Peroxide is perfectly capable of killing Mold as well!
This means, even if you’re trying to actually trying to get rid of mold, hydrogen peroxide is actually a good choice for you even then.
3% Hydrogen Peroxide can easily remove mold if applied on for 10-15 minutes. So, if that’s what you’re planning to use hydrogen peroxide for, keep in mind that you don’t remove it sooner than that.
Does Hydrogen Peroxide Kill Viruses on a Toothbrush?
Another thing that you might want to ward off your toothbrush is Viruses. After all, who likes to get sick again and again just because of them?
Well, it just so happens that Viruses can also be easily taken care of with the same 3% Hydrogen Peroxide.
Actually, Hydrogen Peroxide can pretty much kill all of these things, given the fact that it is a really strong oxidizing agent. So, both bacteria and viruses can easily be killed with the help of Hydrogen Peroxide.
You could actually say that Hydrogen Peroxide offers your toothbrush protection from almost all the possible things that are out there trying to harm your dental hygiene.
Does Hydrogen Peroxide kill Germs on a Toothbrush?
Given the fact that Hydrogen Peroxide kills Bacteria, Mold and Viruses, it comes as no surprise that it kills Germs just as easily.
So, it’s pretty safe to assume that Hydrogen Peroxide is the right choice for even germaphobes! Wikipedia, CDC, and EPA have all recognized Hydrogen Peroxide to be one of the best types of sanitizers out there that rids you of most of the germs.
It’s safe to say, then, that if you’re looking for something that’s going to get those germs off your toothbrush while removing the bacteria and viruses too, Hydrogen Peroxide is what you might want to go with.
Does Hydrogen Peroxide Kill Yeast on a Toothbrush?
Next in line is Yeast. Yeast is something a lot of us love because it provides us with booze.
But honestly, you wouldn’t really like it on your toothbrush, would you?
Well, no worries! It just so happens that Hydrogen Peroxide is here to help you out with this one as well. Proven to be a great oxidant, hydrogen peroxide can deal with yeast with ease!
So, with the use of a little Hydrogen Peroxide, you can actually enjoy your yeast-free brushing experience every day!
[Also, Hydrogen Peroxide can also be used safely in case of a yeast infection inside the mouth. Cleaning the toothbrush properly after every use with hydrogen peroxide is another thing that’s also highly recommended to control the yeast.]
Does Hydrogen Peroxide Kill Fungus on a Toothbrush?
Hydrogen Peroxide seems to be able to take care of almost everything, doesn’t it? Well then, let’s put it through the ultimate and final test- can it kill Fungus?
Turns out, hydrogen peroxide can actually kill Fungus just as easily as well! Because of its strong oxidizing character, it acts as a natural enemy for fungus, and it actually wins!
So, if you want to keep your toothbrush free from all of these things and even from fungus, hydrogen peroxide is one of the things that you could blindly go for!
How to Disinfect Your Toothbrush with Hydrogen Peroxide?
Well, seems like Hydrogen Peroxide can actually take care of all the things doesn’t it?
But one important thing that must be kept in mind is that you need to use it properly to get the desired effects. So, how exactly should you disinfect your toothbrush with Hydrogen Peroxide?
Don’t worry, there’s nothing complicated about you. Here are the main steps that you might want to follow to actually properly disinfect your toothbrush with the help of Hydrogen Peroxide:
- The first thing that you might want to do is actually get your hands on some 3% hydrogen peroxide. This shouldn’t be too hard, given the fact that it’s available in almost every grocery and pharmacy store.
- Next, you might want to pour it in a container to a level that’s enough to soak your toothbrush’s head. You want to leave your toothbrush in there for about 5 minutes to ensure that it can do its job properly.
- And done! That’s all that there is to it! You might want to wash it off to prevent the aftertaste of hydrogen peroxide, though! A good idea is to put your toothbrush at a dry spot, away from other toothbrushes, to prevent it from getting contaminated again.
However, one important thing that a lot of people don’t seem to keep in mind is that only disinfecting the toothbrush isn’t enough. Cleaning it before disinfecting it, and keeping it clean afterwards are important parts as well, and should be paid attention to.
Please keep in mind that disinfecting it becomes pointless if you just put it back in the wrong place after that. Keeping it clean is an important thing, and is something you might want to devote some attention to as well.
How long does it take for Hydrogen Peroxide to sanitize a toothbrush?
Soaking your toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide sounds like a really lengthy process, but it really isn’t.
Turns out, you only have to leave it in there for about 5 minutes or so in order for it to actually work. Hydrogen Peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent and it kills bacteria, bold, viruses, germs, and fungus really quickly.
So, you really don’t have to wait for too long for Hydrogen Peroxide to properly do its job. You’re going to get the highest level of efficiency in a really short period of time!
How often should you soak your toothbrush in Hydrogen Peroxide?
A major question that you might want to ask me at this point is how often you might want to do it.
Now, a lot of people have come up with a lot of ways to deal with it. While some people do it almost every day, some people do it only when it’s needed.
However, it is recommended that you do it about once a week to ensure there is no buildup on your toothbrush and that your dental hygiene is maintained. Once a week seems fair to accomplish that, doesn’t it?
Here’s one more thing you might want to keep in mind
One important thing that you might want to keep in mind is that you actually use 3% hydrogen peroxide and wash your toothbrush well once you’re done.
3% hydrogen peroxide is fine, but using larger percentages of it is not recommended. Also, hydrogen peroxide actually leaves you with a pretty terrible aftertaste if you don’t wash your toothbrush properly.
So, it’s pretty much the best idea to wash it properly and dry it before using it again once you’ve cleaned it with Hydrogen Peroxide.